Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Another Young Lawyer Stakes His Claim, And It's A Big One

Yesterday I posted below about a 28 year old recently minted lawyer who decided to start practicing law instead of sitting in mommy and daddy's living room, or Starbucks, and whining about the lack of BigLaw jobs that all new lawyers used to be entitled to.

Today we hear that those new red-light cameras, that cities are putting up at a rapid clip, are illegal - at least in Aventura, Florida. Something about not being able to confront your accuser, or some-thin...

This was a big story. These red-light cameras are boondoggles for broke cities looking to fill their coffers with ridiculous fines. Studies show that red-light cameras actually cause more accidents, as people see them at the last minute and slam on their brakes - but, who cares when you're making money hand over fist.

Here's the real story: Bret Lusskin was the lawyer. You know - Brett Lusskin, admitted to the Bar in 2006. The same Brett Lusskin that opened up his own traffic ticket defense office in Hallandale, Florida out of law school?

On the other side, representing the City of Aventura, a "500 lawyer law firm" as the television station put it last night when they were interviewing Brett.

David versus Goliath.

The city will most certainly appeal, and maybe win.

But for today, Brett is the victor, and his victory may affect red light cameras across the country.

Regardless of the final outcome, I trust Brett is in a much better position today than those of you reading this from a couch, or a Starbucks, lamenting why no one thinks you're entitled to a career.

Located in Miami, Florida, Brian Tannebaum practices Bar Admission and Discipline and Criminal Defense. He is the author of I Got A Bar Complaint.



Anonymous said...

Great for him - and great blog post. I'm sick of hearing all those "woe is me" stories from out-of-work lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Those red light cameras are illegal everywhere because in order to obtain a conviction the burden of proof is shifted to the driver who must affirmatively swear under oath that he or she wasn't the driver. According to our Constitution (both Federal and State), the government must prove every element of the charge and the defendant has an absolute right to remain silent and cannot be compelled to incriminate himself.