ROI 2011: Brian Tannebaum - Ethics and Online Marketing from Radius of Influence on Vimeo.
Non-anonymous comments welcome. Located in Miami, Florida, Brian Tannebaum practices Bar Admission and Discipline and Criminal Defense. He is the author of I Got A Bar Complaint.

58 minutes?
TL;DW. Use speechpad.
Um, no Max, it's 50 minutes, with Q & A. But I thank you for your worthwhile contribution to my blog comment section. You never disappoint.
Brian, your presentation should be CLE accredited and mandatory viewing for all attorneys and law students, of all ages and experience levels. I appreciate the mention regarding the Wagner Elliott LLP fake blog, but credit should be given to Dan Pinnington, LawPro counsel (Ontario's Lawyer Professional Indemnity insurer) and regular contributor at Here is a link to Dan Pinnington's post
I do what I can to improve the lives of folks like you. I did a workaround by playing it at 2x speed in the background. It was better than expected, so I linked to it in a post about your favorite artist, Lady Gaga.
The shame is that you gave it at a conference organized for the purpose of selling PI lawyers dreck blogs. Then again, I suppose that's the audience which needs to hear it.
Max, I'm still waiting for that Lady Gaga mix tape you promised me.
This conference was actually the anti-marketing conference. It was all about word of mouth marketing. You should go next year. Ill buy you a diet coke.
Brian: Thank you for sharing this. It's quite a bit of food for thought for a baby lawyer. The video be mandatory viewing in any professional responsibility class.
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