I'm listening to 41 year-old lawyer Steve Farese. He's doing the ethics hour. He spoke a little bit about communication and disclosing adverse case law to the court. But for the last 20 minutes or so he's been talking about being a good lawyer. He's been talking about going beyond the rules, going beyond what's required. He's now getting loud as he speaks about how he's tired of what people think about lawyers, specifically about criminal lawyers. He's not impressed with lawyers who talk tough at the initial consultation, or put on a "magic show" in court. He keeps saying "that's not what it's about."
He says it's about "doing a good job."
I write this as I think about all the bullshit artists on-line who, for a fee, will double your income, and all the failed and former lawyers who can tell you how to do "it" right.
Steve Farese is nothing more than a real criminal defense lawyer. He's not fancy. I don't know if he has a marketing plan or if he's on the first page of Google.
I know that he keeps talking about "what it's about, and says what it comes down to is "what your responsibility is." He wants to know if when your client walks out of your office he "knows what the hell you just said to him?"
He's worth a plane ticket to Mississippi if you find he's on the schedule.
Located in Miami, Florida, Brian Tannebaum practices Bar Admission and Discipline and Criminal Defense. He is the author of I Got A Bar Complaint.
I would listen to the guy. Some would say that Mary Winkler murdered her husband in cold blood, shooting him in the back with a shotgun as he slept while the children were in the next room. Farese got her off with manslaughter and a sentence of just 210 days in jail. Then she got custody of her kids back. I don't know how Farese did that--it would never have happened in Texas--but I know he would be worth listening to if the opportunity presented itself.
This was actually Jr. I'd also look forward to hearing from his Dad.
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